Term of Use

The TCS makes data publicly available according to open data standards and licenses datasets under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY 4.0), with the additional terms below.

The data and terms included on this website may be quoted, downloaded, copied, or reproduced in whole or in part, provided that the TCS is duly credited and acknowledged as the source with the corresponding technical notes as may be indicated. Any alteration or creation of derivative works on data and terms accessed from this website should not be attributed to the TCS.

The use of such data and terms does not constitute or imply an expression of opinion by the TCS concerning the status of any country or territory, or the delimitation of its frontiers, or sovereignty. The colors, boundaries and names shown and the designations on this website do not imply any judgment, official endorsement or acceptance by the TCS as to the legal status or frontier of any territory.

The TCS does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations, either expressed or implied, on the completeness, correctness, accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of information/materials, and is not liable for any consequences as a result of its use.

The TCS reserves the right to update or modify this website from time to time without any notification in advance.

Some data are provided by the third parties, and may not redistributed or reused without the consent of the original data provider, or may be subject to their own terms and conditions.

Restricted Data

Some data are provided by the third parties, and may not redistributed or reused without the consent of the original data provider, or may be subject to their own terms and conditions.

Where applicable, these conditions are included in the indicator metadata, and as such the conditions are no longer presented on this page.

Contact information

TEL: (82)2-4162-5323
Email: statistics@tcs-asia.org
